Update Email Address (listed under Contact Information)

Note: If you are not able to access your account to change your email address, please contact the GSA Auctions helpdesk.

Step 1: Click on My Preferences and then Contact Information.

Step 2: Remove your old email address and input your new email address in the fields titled email and confirm email, and then click Update.

Update Email

Step 3: An email will be sent to your new email address on file. Please click on the link in the email to validate your email address.

Validate Email

You will be brought back to the GSA Auctions website with a message confirming your email address validation.

Validation Confirmation

Step 4: Once you complete step 3, a notice will be sent to our IT department to update your email address in the OKTA database (GSA's third party company for multi-factor authentication). They will update your email address in OKTA within 24-48 hours (not including weekends or holidays). *Note: you can still log into GSA Auctions using your old email address and password until you receive an email from GSA Auctions containing your new login credentials (new email address and temporary password).

Step 5: Once your email address is changed, you will receive an email from GSA that contains a temporary password and instructions. You will be required to establish a password as well as set up your security factors.

Temporary password email